Always space for new findings in science
We rely on prior scientific discovery by researcher’s who are long time gone; or we recognize their findings as true only after their scientific break-through becomes common knowledge. Accepting a (fresh) research-finding is difficult because it breaks one (or more...Read More
Science today – Simple Scenario of Research Paper use- The Unclaimed Claims
A: That moment, when you read a paper and you know one of the cited authors 🙂 A: *quote from the paper which is citing here, with a claim* B: aha! 🙂 B: cool, which paper? A: wait, let me...Read More
Research data on the cloud!? Here comes Amazon Glacier
Amazon Glacier is a low-cost storage service that aims to provide durable storage for data archiving and backup. In order to keep costs low, Amazon Glacier is optimized for data that is infrequently accessed and for which retrieval times of...Read More
Vocabulary for the Registration and Description of Research Data Repositories is an interesting project aiming to create a global registry of research data repositories. As they manifest, “The registry will cover research data repositories from different academic disciplines. will present repositories for the permanent storage and access of...Read More
Why Semantic Web in Digital Libraries
Malachi (the librarian) looked at me sternly: “Perhaps you do not know, or have forgotten, that only the librarian is allowed access to the library. It is therefore right and sufficient that only librarian know how to decipher these things.”...Read More
A Free Online Course for Research Data Management for PhD Students
Accidentally run into this great online tutorial named Mantra. The Research Data MANTRA is a course designed for PhD students and others who are planning a research project using digital data. The course is online at: and it was...Read More
“Learning” Metadata
Quite a brief post on Metadata. I remember in one of my job-interviews when I was asked if I had knowledge of Metadata. I sure did say !yes! I know all about annotating webpages, I know Metadata concept was related...Read More
The 10 Greatest Cases of Fraud in University Research
By Staff Writers (The article was initially published at: University Online) University researchers are typically well-respected and trusted individuals, and as such, are granted a great degree of freedom in their work. Most are worthy of this trust, but there...Read More
5 Steps to Research Data Readiness – a guide for IT managers
The following content was extracted from a presentation of the Digital Curation Center in the UK. The context of the presentation is region-oriented, but it still contains valuable information for anyone dealing with research data anywhere. Research data is a...Read More