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Quick bucks and domain hacks

  Domain Hacks are a creative way to brand names in the internet culture. They make use of domain extensions to express words within the context of a domain such as: pla.net for a planet related website, who.is for a...Read More

Little countries, big domains

Browsing through .al domains, I realized that the .al domains are being registered from almost every big corporation. Google (.com.al), Microsoft (.com.al), Facebook, Twitter, Ebay and a bunch of other companies own at least one .al domain. Some of them...Read More

Crazy sales on “Social” domains

There are still those thinking that domains are being overestimated. And yet another domain sale that hits the record. Social.org was sold for 228,600$ on NameJet. This may be considered a big sale, but it is still less then 10% ...Read More

.al domain hacks

A few months ago the domain soci.al was sold for 50K$ and I was wondering wethere there are any good .al domain hacks still available for registration. I know there are people looking for lists of domain hacks.Read More

MP3.al arrin 1000 vizita unike

Nje nga ato faqet qe ndertohen njehere dhe nuk merresh me per t’i shtuar trafikun. Faqja mp3.al arriti 1000 vizitore (te matur me google analytics). Faqja ka rreth 69000 artiste ne databaze dhe mbi 140 000 albume. Nese numrat ju...Read More