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SQL vs noSQL

There is an interesting discussion around on wether we should stick by the old Relational Databases or go with the new hype of noSQL. noSQL looks very interesting in the fact that it does not use as much resources as...Read More

MySQL Remove Duplicates

A quick method to remove duplicate records from your database: ALTER IGNORE TABLE tablename ADD UNIQUE INDEX dublicatedindex (fieldthatcontaindoubles); ALTER TABLE tablename DROP INDEX dublicatedindex The method above will remove dublicates and will add a Unique key to the field...Read More
InfoarkivaMySQLWebi Shqip

MySQL Database Replication

Replication Kur nje projekt arrin nje fare volumi informacioni, vihet re qe nuk eshte me e lehte te administrohet databaza e tij. Ne rastin tone, Projekti i Infoarkives, (http://lajme.shqiperia.com), kaloi mbi 2.1 Giga informacion. Per kete projekt ne kishim vendosur...Read More